Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our Little Italian/American angel bakin in the oven!

This is the last ultra sound taken of her at 21 weeks with her little hand by her face and she looked like she was just a talking away. So For sure she is my daughter and is half Italian=)
The picture of her hand was right before we turned off the ultrasound as if she was waving good-bye to us!!!! CIAO Mom & Dad

This is belly pic #3 at 22 weeks and 3 days!!!! WOW I think it has doubled in the past 4 weeks!
This is belly pic #2 at 18 weeks and 3 days. This is the day we found out we were having A GIRL

This is my first belly pic at 14 weeks and 2 days!
I know you have all been asking to see the "belly" pic's. I didn't feel so comfortable posting them all on facebook so I thought I'd share them with all our close family and friends on here. As of today I am in the beginning of my 23rd week. I am so happy to say I have had a great pregnancy. The first trimester was a little difficult but nothing I couldn't handle. I felt like I had a cold EVERY single day. My nose was always runny and my throat was always killing me, I had 0% energy and couldn't get out of bed before 10 a.m. We went to the doctor and he said it was just allergies and being in the first trimester didn't help. He said most women that have never had allergies before get them while they are pregnant and told me to hang in there my first trimester was just about over. I was happy it was only allergies and not a virus of some kind. Then after my first trimester ended it was like the day of it ending I started to get really bad migraines, I have always had a head ache problem but not to this extent. I would get at least one a week and they would completely knock me out. Any sound, lights, or me getting up out of bed would kill my head. I would have to stay in bed and try to sleep it off. I was lucky to have Massi there with me. Muffin needed to be taken out but I couldn't even get up to take her out. The air, the sunlight and the cars would pierce my eyes and ears. He was a trooper like always and was always there to take her out and to cook for us even after his long day at work. He's a great hubby to have around. I tried to watch what I was eating to see if it was something I had in my diet that was making these migraines appear. Nothing really seemed to cut them, they seemed to be exactly one week later from the last one. I haven't had one yet for the past 3 weeks and I'm so happy for that. I feel like I have so much more energy and I am able to go do all the things I have planned for the day. If I feel one coming on now I just hurry and have a glass of Coke and it seems to make it go away. These have been the only things happen that were really bad during my pregnancy so I feel VERY lucky. I have had a few friends that have not had such a good experience and I feel so bad for them. Being Pregnant is such an AMAZING thing. I started to feel her move in my 17th week. At first I wasn't sure what the feeling was till it started to happen more often. It felt to me like a paint brush was inside my belly paining away. It freaked me out at first I wasn't too sure about the whole thing. It was just a little strange at first is all. Then once the movement got stronger I began to love the feeling. Now I feel her everyday. Massi first felt her right after we went to bed. Candice and Rachael both said to me, "wait till you see his face when he can feel her move, it becomes more real to them too and seeing their expression on their face is PRICELESS!" So we went to bed on night all the lights were off and I turned over on my back for a quick second and felt 3 BIG punches or kicks and I said WOW Massi feel....He put his hand on my tummy and felt 5 BIG punches or kicks...not sure which one they were but they were HUGE. He was so excited and thought it was pretty cool to finally feel her move. After he felt her I said, OH NOOO I didn't get to see your face for the first time=(" I was bummed but now he feels her move all the time and it's as if it was his first time every time. He puts his hear to my tummy and speaks to her in Italian....Don't worry I make sure it's the good Italian and not the bad=) He's very cute with her already. He tells her good night and good morning everyday.

After Christmas we are going to start on her room. I can't wait to see the final result. I have this perfect image in my mind so we'll see how it all turns out. If it weren't for Rachael I'm not to sure how it would look. Rachael is actually from Utah as well and has been living here for I believe 5 years or more, she is also married to an Italian and they have a 11 month old baby girl Charlotte. But because of Rachael, our little girl will have a cute room! She has offered to help me make all her bedding and some other things to match in the nursery. Being in another country while your pregnant is one thing but then trying to decorate her room the way you like and you don't like ANY of the Italian things is another thing. I am so grateful to have her here as a friend. You have inspired me to become more domestic and I can't wait to learn how to sew.....let's just hope you have a lot of patents that day=) JK it will be so much fun and a great experience. She has helped me in so many ways. We have to find or compromise ways with our recipes since we don't carry the same ingredients as the states. Rachael is like wonder women when it comes to cooking, sewing, being a great mother and friend, and sharing ideas. It's nice to have someone here who knows what it's like moving to another country, learning a new language and being away from family & friends.

I will post more updates through out the next few months on the baby and her room of our progress in the making.


  1. YEA Belly pictures!!! I loved having a baby belly- something so sweet about having a life inside of you! Enjoy!
    You are way too kind in your comments about me, I am just happy to help you out! You will be a great sewer!

  2. What beautiful pictures! They'll be great for the scrapbook...And, I'm thankful for Rachael too!!!
